Process Management and Institutionalization Consultancy Service

Process Management and Institutionalization Consultancy Service

Our consultancy service is designed for companies that have a need to establish or update their corporate identity and memory.

  • Analysis of unit structures, job descriptions, and personnel profiles in the company's organizational structure,
  • Analysis of existing (AS-IS) business processes,
  • Review of company policies and procedures,
  • Creation of workflow diagrams by combining profiles and business processes,
  • Calculation of full-time equivalents for existing workflows and development of efficiency recommendations based on the determination of deviations,
  • Creation of (TO-BE) workflow diagrams, including the determination of necessary process/system improvements within the scope of efficiency recommendations,
  • Monitoring, providing support, and controlling the implementation of improvements (if requested),
  • Checking the compatibility of profiles and business processes with existing policies and procedures and identifying the need for updating/creating documentation,
  • Updating/creating policies/procedures identified as needing improvement by collaborating with relevant departments in a workshop format for mutual agreement.